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LibreOffice is een krachtig officepakket; zijn duidelijke interface en krachtige functies bevorderen uw creativiteit en productiviteit. LibreOffice bundelt verschillende toepassingen, wat het het krachtigste vrije, open source officepakket maakt.

Vrije officesoftware

LibreOffice: het vrije officepakket dat boven de concurrenten uitsteekt.

Ontdek het!

Een aantrekkelijk, leuk project

LibreOffice is een van de vriendelijkste en snelst groeiende projecten in de Vrije en Open source wereld.

Meer over ons en onze waarden.

Fantastische mensen

LibreOffice is meer dan alleen software. Het gaat over mensen, cultuur, creëren, delen en samenwerken.

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LibreOffice is vrije en opensource-software. De ontwikkeling staat open voor nieuw talent en ideeën. Onze software wordt dagelijks getest en gebruikt door een grote toegewijde gebruikersgemeenschap.

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LibreOffice Podcast, Episode #1 – Marketing Free Software

Italo Vignoli and Mike Saunders from The Document Foundation, the non-profit organisation behind LibreOffice, discuss marketing free and open source software (FOSS). This video is also available on PeerTube. Please confirm that you want to play a YouTube video. By accepting, you will be accessing content from YouTube, a service provided by an external third party. […]

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Month of LibreOffice, November 2024 – Half-way point!

Yes, we’re half-way through the Month of LibreOffice, November 2024. And already, 206 contributors have already won cool LibreOffice sticker packs! Details on how to claim them will be provided at the end of the month, but if you don’t see your name (or username) on that page, it’s not too late to join… How […]

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LibreOffice 25.2 Alpha1 is available for testing

LibreOffice 25.2 will be released as final at the beginning of February, 2025 ( Check the Release Plan ) being LibreOffice 25.2 Alpha1 the first pre-release since the development of version 25.2 started in mid Juny, 2024. Since then, 5184 commits have been submitted to the code repository and

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The mess that is the VCL

 Let me count the ways, in no particular order and in no way exhaustive:

OutputDevice is the base class for printing, windowing and PDFs. It doesn't just do output. OutputDevice has GetOutDevType() because the base class needs to know what child class is using it. Ugh. OutputDevice drawing primitives not only draw, but they record a metafile. There are literally functions that turn off drawing and just let it record the metafile. I made an attempt at seperating the concerns,[…]

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